30 student councils from all over Oregon came together for a leadership conference, and as a part of the event they planned a huge surprise for a very deserving staff member, thanking her for all she does.
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In sixth grade, Kristin was asked by her teacher for an invitation to her Harvard graduation. 22 years later, her teacher’s wish was granted! Words of encouragement can go a long way.
Learning to walk is a challenge, but learning to walk with a prosthetic leg takes it to a new level. Two-year-old KJ is cheered on by Paralympic star Blake Leeper in this encouraging video. Persistence!
Long time best friends Kayla and Thomas were separated by a 700 mile move. After not seeing each other for over six months, Kayla hopped in her car and drove from Illinois to Louisiana to surprise Thomas. A truly heartwarming moment.
A thoughtful Delaware woman put a basket of treats out for those making deliveries to her home. This grateful delivery driver’s dance will be sure to put a smile on your face!