Stranger comforts young boy at football game

A little boy named Isaiah and a woman named Angela became friends when the two met at a football game. At one point, Isaiah climbed into her lap and fell asleep. His family was concerned he was bothering her, but she insisted that he was no bother. Isaiah's aunt said she loved Angela and what she did for him.


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Lil Wayne shares mental health struggles

Lil Wayne shares mental health struggles

In an interview with Emmanuel Acho, Lil Wayne talked about his mental health struggles, loneliness, and attempted suicide. He encourages others to take mental health concerns seriously.

Emmanuel Acho
Published on
April 11, 2022
Homeless man receives makeover, opportunity

Homeless man receives makeover, opportunity

Meir Kay partnered with others to provide a makeover and opportunity for a homeless man. "No matter who we are or what we do, we have the ability to make a positive difference in the life of another."

Meir Kay
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April 8, 2022
What's your value?

What's your value?

Jeremy Anderson uses a dollar to explain that everyone has value, and that value never goes away.

Ben Lionel Scott
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April 6, 2022
The labels we carry

The labels we carry

The best label we can carry or give to others is "loved."

TGI Fellowship
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April 1, 2022

Martin Luther King Jr. on Agape love

"Agape is more than romantic love. Agape is more than friendship. Agape is not something affectionate. Agape is creative, understanding, redemptive, goodwill for all."
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January 18, 2022

Denzel Washington shares advice on loving others

Denzel Washington shared some advice from his father-in-law during an acceptance speech.
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February 25, 2022

Secret Santa Surprises Strangers

How would you react if a stranger gave you an envelope with $200 in it? Watch this heartwarming video to see the effect it had on these people in Utah.
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December 23, 2020

Meet Hasan: Creating Prosthetics for Injured Animals

Hasan Kisil, a kind-hearted man in Turkey, has a love and talent for building things—and uses that talent to create free mobility aids for hundreds of injured animals.
Published on
July 29, 2020
A little boy named Isaiah and a woman named Angela became friends when the two met at a football game. At one point, Isaiah climbed into her lap and fell asleep. His family was concerned he was bothering her, but she insisted that he was no bother. Isaiah's aunt said she loved Angela and what she did for him.
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