"You have a moral obligation ... to assume that, despite all evidence, there's actually something of intrinsic worth about you and that, as a consequence, you're duty bound to treat yourself like that is true and then it turns out, if you do that, then your life gets better," said Jordan Peterson.
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Since childhood, Ashley and her brother Nick have been best friends. On her wedding day, she wanted Nick to be the first to see her. This beautiful reaction displaying the special bond they have is sure to warm your heart.
A little bit of confusion is followed with much excitement as this baby realizes he’s seeing his mom in two places at once. A dose of cuteness for your day!
An Australian couple spends their time rescuing baby kangaroos, raising and caring for them, so they can release them back to the wild when they are healthy.
With a wish for everyone to have a friend, 9-year-old Sammie decided to take action and get a buddy bench for her school. But she didn’t stop there. She’s introduced buddy benches to hundreds of schools, in her own state, and beyond.