A memorable Father’s Day was created when Brooke gave her stepdad a card ending with “P.S. Look at me after reading the card.” As he finished reading the card and looked up, Brooke revealed a t-shirt that asked him to adopt her.
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Psychology professor Jamil Zaki believes that empathy—the ability to share and understand what others are going through—is a skill that can be learned and improved. He shared these ideas during a TEDx Talk.
In this video, a boy opens up his lunchbox to see that it's empty. He steps out of the classroom for a moment. When he returns, he is surprised to see what he finds. It's a great reminder to share with others.
Oprah Winfrey shared three pieces of advice in a speech. "Your service and significance that you bring to your service is that which is lasting," she said.
Sensei Morihei Ueshiba shared many words of wisdom, including: There are many ways to the top of the mountain, but there is only one summit—love.