Jason Segel on friendship and love

When actor Jason Segel was asked if he's ever concerned about giving too much of himself to others, he said it's important not to give to others who are just there to take. "It's the cycle of giving and receiving and giving and receiving that is what friendship is supposed to be about, so that you never get emptied out," he said. "It's the rich exchange of love."


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Lil Wayne shares mental health struggles

Lil Wayne shares mental health struggles

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Lil Wayne shares mental health struggles

In an interview with Emmanuel Acho, Lil Wayne talked about his mental health struggles, loneliness, and attempted suicide. He encourages others to take mental health concerns seriously.
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Enemies become friends

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Pursuing Purpose

“It is my purpose in life to make people happy.” Living out his purpose resulted in Robert receiving a tip he never would have dreamed of.
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When actor Jason Segel was asked if he's ever concerned about giving too much of himself to others, he said it's important not to give to others who are just there to take. "It's the cycle of giving and receiving and giving and receiving that is what friendship is supposed to be about, so that you never get emptied out," he said. "It's the rich exchange of love."
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